Feed Your Brain

No doubt the Jefferson Airplane wasn’t referring to the herb ginkgo biloba when they wrote those lyrics, but today the phrase has a whole new meaning. Hundreds of studies have shown that supplementing with ginkgo biloba can sharpen the brain, stimulate overall circulation, combat depression, reduce the risk of ovarian cancer and macular degeneration and improve digestion. Now a new study from
Here’s how it works: Ginkgo has been shown to provide the brain with more oxygen, while decreasing inflammation, and you don’t have to have Alzheimer’s to benefit from it. Healthy people can experience the same brain-boosting benefits.
When purchasing ginkgo supplements, don’t let price be your guide. Choose a product that is standardized to 24.0% ginkgolides, the active compound (which might also be listed as flavone glycosides or ginkgo flavonoids), and 6% terpene lactones, a related compound. The recommended dosage is 120 mg daily, but that total should be divided into three smaller doses of 40 mg and taken with each meal. Individuals with Alzheimer’s can increase the dosage to 120 mg twice daily. Ginkgo has minimal side effects in healthy individuals, but anyone who is under a doctor’s care and is being treated with prescription medication should check with their physician before taking ginkgo. Since this herb does enhance blood flow, those using blood-thinning products such as aspirin, ibuprofen or other anti-coagulants on a daily basis should not take ginkgo without a doctor’s supervision.
Labels: Alzheimer's, brain, ginkgo, ginkgo biloba
I always wondered if ginkgo would improve my memory. It's worth a shot.
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