"Let Food Be Your Medicine...
... and medicine be your food." Even way back in 400 B.C., Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, got it right. And we have gone so wrong. Today, we're being overwhelmed by an obesity epidemic and soaring health care costs, many of which are related to excess weight. Yet in spite of that, a new survey by ACNielsen finds that even when Americans know what they're eating is not healthy, they don't care, because it's all about convenience! 
This seems odd, because even mainstream supermarkets now sell healthy frozen meals and snacks that are no more difficult to prepare than a Tombstone pizza (at least they got the name right) or the "heart disease in a bag" served by so many of the fast-food chains. Case in point:
the Burger King Stacker, a 1,000 calorie coffin nail that's loaded with saturated fat and salt, but manages to avoid any actual beneficial nutrients.
Good food does not have to be boring or inconvenient. More on this tomorrow...

This seems odd, because even mainstream supermarkets now sell healthy frozen meals and snacks that are no more difficult to prepare than a Tombstone pizza (at least they got the name right) or the "heart disease in a bag" served by so many of the fast-food chains. Case in point:

Good food does not have to be boring or inconvenient. More on this tomorrow...
Wow! what great information and so well written and presented! I am defiantly going to bookmark this blog site and return often. Keep up the good work...
Wow, what a great blog! So well written. I'll definitely be checking back for updates!
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