< Parent Traps: Attitude is Everything

Friday, November 03, 2006

Attitude is Everything

When Yale researchers announced the results of a study showing that a good attitude about aging added nearly eight years to subjects’ lives, many people were surprised. But not Barbara Morris. A registered pharmacist and author of Put Old on Hold, Morris is living proof that getting older can also mean getting better. Although she could pass for forty-something, Morris is actually in her 70s. Not only does she look far younger than her actual age, but she is also free of the diseases that so often tarnish the golden years. Morris’s secret? “Take control of your health and your life, starting now.”

Morris’s website – www.putoldonhold.com – is a superb launching pad for anyone who wants to stop – or at least slow – the clock. You can also download a copy of her book there, and sign up for her free monthly newsletter. A few years ago, I had the pleasure of interviewing Morris for a magazine story about her. Here are a few excerpts:

Q: What’s the most common mistake that people make when it comes to aging?

Barbara Morris: Not thinking for themselves, and accepting our culture’s negative ideas about growing older. The truth is, we have an enormous amount of control over how we age. We don’t have to accept the mental and physical decline that everyone assumes comes with old age. Stop saying, ‘Oh, I’m getting old,’ when you forget something, or ‘I’m too old to do that.’ And don’t listen to your friends when they tell you that either.

Q: What’s the best way for people to start changing their attitudes toward aging?

Barbara Morris: First, decide that this is something you really want to do. After you make the commitment, take charge of your health and educate yourself. You’re going to have to change the way you eat, the way you think about food, and learn what anti-aging nutrition is all about. Get on the internet, look at the excellent publications in health food stores, go to the library and educate yourself.

Q: What about work? Many people can’t wait to retire, but you don’t think it’s such a great idea.

Barbara Morris: Retirement is a contagious, debilitating disease. After about six months of retirement, so many people are just bored to death. And they may have financial problems, too. So I encourage people to stay on the job as long as possible. If you’re unhappy with your situation, start planning an escape route as early as possible. Even if you’re in your sixties, you can go back to school or start a new business or career, as long as you have your health.

Q: What sort of supplements do you recommend?

Barbara Morris: If you take nothing else, at least take a multivitamin every day. You should also take antioxidants, like alpha lipoic acid, vitamins C and E, and DMAE [dimethylaminoethanol] several times a day. And, of course, calcium with vitamin D3 and magnesium for better absorption.

Q: What do you tell people who think supplements are too expensive?

Barbara Morris: I tell them staying healthy costs a lot less than being sick.


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