Pet Food for People who Love Their Pets

For anyone who is concerned about contaminated pet food, check out the offerings at Flint River Ranch. This what my dogs and cats eat, and everyone is fine . There's plenty of information at the website on the ingredients, how to make the switch to a new food, and a lot more. If you want to talk to a real person, try their toll-free number. Another nice thing: the food comes to your house via UPS, so you don't even need to drive anywhere, a major advantage here in LA. (Just fyi, I am not receiving any free food or goodies for mentioning Flint River. We just like the food and company's transparency about where the ingredients come from.)
PS: Photo of Pup with chewable versions of Bush, Rove and Rumsfeld is courtesy of Yum!
Labels: pet food contamination, safe pet food
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